In collaboration with High-Risk Security Consultant Phil Rizzo of Rizzo’s Protective Group, this month we bring you a special edition of the Monthly Newsletter that we believe will be invaluable to prepare you for law enforcement arriving at your front doorstep and requesting records and/or information about your employees. Click “Download” to read the article!
At CEPHR and Rizzo’s Protective Group, we share the value (among others) of providing proactive tools, considerations, and resources to best-equip our clients with information before situations arise, and that is why we are have a strong partnering relationship.
You can connect with us at CEPHR in the comments, via e-mail, or by phone with any questions or concerns. You can connect with Phil Rizzo on his company’s website at: www.rpgconsultingltd.com and should you wish to contact him directly, you can do so by dialing direct to (330) 801-0464 or e-mailing him at: prizzo@rpgconsultingltd.com.
Have a great, safe week, and please vote!