Growth can be hard. We acknowledge that. Start from where you are.
We are experiencing many shifts at CEPHR as we grow and navigate consistent Process Improvement, maximizing efficiencies internally and for our clients. We don’t hide that or pretend it’s not challenging. These are all things that are a natural part of growth. Acknowledgement is key. At CEPHR, we often discuss the benefits of our three-pronged approach: Awareness, Acknowledgement, and Action. Let’s look at each of these one by one and share how to navigate as you grow.
The first step is recognition. Awareness is key. If you don’t know there is a problem, you can’t begin to tackle it. It can be overwhelming when we have so many ideas, want to make improvements, have budget constraints as Small Business Owners, and want to continue making impact. Awareness brings opportunity and proper planning can support how we move forward strategically. That’s right…..you don’t have to tackle it all in a day, and you can’t anyway, so let us take some pressure off of you. Seeking other perspectives consistently is helpful to the process of heightening our awareness, and to learning and growing. It also promotes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB).
Just like we tell our clients when we’re advising them, we have to start where we are. We meet you where you’re at, so why shouldn’t we do the same thing for ourselves in the business? Knowing where we’ve been helps us chart the path to where we’re going. At CEPHR, we’re working on a lot of changes behind the scenes and they are built on the data we’ve collected. We discovered these opportunities and now we’re working on changing what will help us grow and add more value, some of which we’ve recently communicated to you as well:
- New website is underway and will be launched very soon!
- Changes in our Service Offering Structure to better serve clients and other Stakeholders
- Continuous improvement in automation and streamlining processes to maximize efficiencies, reduce the amount of manual tasks (including better-leveraging our Scheduling Tool). Need to book a call with us? Click here!
We encourage you to acknowledge where you’re at with your budget goals, what connects to clients and Community, and what makes sense to change- or even leave the same. We share often that you want to examine what works for you, versus what works for your competitors. A close analysis of your own data is important to make the best decisions. Once you’re aware and have acknowledged what’s next, you can now prepare to take action.
Each year, we take time for Strategic Planning to determine what we’ll work on and there are also Goal-setting and Strategic Planning Prioritization Sessions so we appropriately align and delegate the work to achieve effectiveness and efficiency internally and externally. Perhaps you are working on building in new processes or infrastructure that don’t exist today. Perhaps you are looking to enhance current processes to enhance the infrastructure. Some challenges can become opportunities as a Small Business Owner. Once we’re aware, we can acknowledge and chart a course. Once we have the path, we can take action and set timelines. Timelines are important so that we can ensure it fits in with other Strategic Priorities and we don’t take on more than we have capacity for, especially as we are still building capacity. Don’t forget to pull in your network, Mentors, and others who can support you in the process.
Around the Corner
This segment is dedicated to where we are out and about in our Communities and what’s happening. Let’s take a look at what’s going on this month:
The Power of Intentional Partnerships: A new CEPHR LinkedIn Live Mini Series!
This month, we launched a CEPHR Mini-Series dedicated to highlighting our Partners and projects. The Series explores more about our work at CEPHR, the work we’ve done together with our Partners, why we chose to Partner, and what’s on the horizon for our Partnerships. The Series streams on LinkedIn Live and YouTube on various dates.
We explore topics like:
- What goes into making Intentional Partnerships work?
- How do you build each other up, create a Safe Space, freedom to be your authentic selves, and make each other better in Growth Mindset at the same time?
We just passed another critical date in the United States on November 8th and we want to share the importance of voting. It’s important to exercise your right to vote. It impacts your workplaces, Industries, personal choices available to you, families and loved ones, Neighborhoods, and more. For more information, here is one resource: Check out vote.org for information on voting.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Corner
This segment is dedicated to celebrating, commemorating, and honoring all things (not just Holidays and events) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). It also offers considerations for supporting your teams and Communities.
November Holidays and Awareness:
- National Native American Heritage Month
- Veterans Day
- National Adoption Awareness Month
- National Caregivers Appreciation Month
- National Diabetes Awareness Month
- National Epilepsy Month